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ProteC CaPtoP® EP 810

Bolt and nut anti-corrosion snap caps

CaPtoP® EP 810

Bolt and nut anti-corrosion snap caps

YOUR CAPTOP® ADVANTAGE:   Best Price in the Market

EP 810 Bolt and Nuts Corrosion Caps offer maximum rust protection for both bolt stubs and hexagon nuts.

The vertical locking lip secures itself under the hexagon nut creating anti-vibration protection and the perfect anti-corrosion seal over the bolt stub and hexagon nut connection.

EP 810 Bolt and Nut corrosion Caps are supplied with either standard or extended length barrels. The extended barrel is used in conjunction with tensioning devices.

Bolt tensioners require a thread height of approximately two times the thread length for twelve exposed threads.

Using EP 810 Caps in conjunction with corrosion resistant grease will inhibit further corrosion.

Find more details for Type 1 for application without washer, Type 2 for application with washer, Type 3.1 Adjustable Telescopic Cap for applications without washer and Type 3.2 Adjustable Telescopic Cap for applications with washer.

Std. Color: black
Material: LD-PE, low density polyethylene

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